What is LPG - Know More Closely


Ashok Khopkar

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This course format is where trainer will explain you the subject via online live session. Date and time are not decided yet but it will be planned within next 2 weeks after you enroll & pay for this course. Get in touch with our team if any clarification is required.

₹ 700


Why do you enroll

Key topics covered

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Why do you enroll

What will you learn ...... And what benefits you will get by attending this course

You will learn about

1.Thermodynamic properties of LPG

2. How LPG changes phase with heat and pressure

3. How appliances get affected by that

4. SMPV 1981 rules relevant to LPG

5. Safety fittings provided on storage tanks

6. Safety precautions to be followed in storage area

What benefits you will get ...

1.Better understanding and clarity about LPG basics and it behaviour

2. Introduction to SMPV rules and safety fittings

3. You will work more confidently on your job or in your business

4. This will increase your job execution quality, and efficiency.

5. This, in turn, will give you more recognition and reward in your organisation, higher responsibility, position and salary package.

6. Preference by your clients in business

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Key topics covered

Key topics covered ...

1. Important properties of LPG

2.Which properties change and why

3. What are the effects of these changes on safety.

4. What are the effects on equipment 

5.  Introduction to  SMPV rules 

Course Details

Objective ...

To understand properties of LPG, how phase and thermodynamic properties change with pressure and temperature, their effect on performance of certain appliances, LPG rules 

About the course...

It's a 'must attend' course for LPG personnel.

LPG is the most popular fuel, known as clean fuel, for domestic as well as industrial use. Millions of household, thousands of restaurants, and industries store LPG in small or big quantities like 12 kg to 120 tons or more. Millions of individuals are in its close vicinity  as users, operators, installers, commissioning and testers, doing maintenance and many other functions.

LPG being highly inflammable,  every person must take sufficient care to ensure no leakage and no flame in case of leakage. Otherwise it will result into fire of any size. Also must know what more steps to be taken.  Everyone must know much more about LPG, considering his own safety and that of surrounding things. This is more essential for individuals associated in any manner, with any kind of equipment handling LPG. If you fall in this category, this course is a must for you.  

This course will take you to basic understanding of LPG and its important parameter which affect your equipment and result into hazardous situation.  This will help you in carrying out your function more effectively, assuring better prospects in your career. Also, safety will get a boost.

There are infinite number of business opportunities for all, more so for technical persons. This covers manufacturing variety of equipment, dealerships for consumer as well as industrial equipment, installation, maintenance etc. This can be for those who are already in business or for start-ups.

Who will benefit .....

This course will be very useful for persons engaged in any of following activities

1. LPG bulk storage plant operators in any industry

2. Equipment designers of any type of LPG related equipment

3. Assembly and testing personnel of such equipment

4.Installers and maintenance persons

5. Managers associated with responsibility of above mentioned activities

6. Engineering college students aspiring to work in this field.

7. Fresh engineering graduates looking for start-up. This field provides unlimited business opportunities

8.Engineering graduates looking for job. Thousands of companies will welcome you if you have this basic knowledge.

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Industry domains :

Oil & Gas , Energy & Utilities


Engineering Disciplines :

Mechanical , Petroleum

Certificate of Mastery


Receive well recognised certificate that you can showcase on


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