LPG Basics - Specialised course for Beginner and Refresher
Why Do You Enroll?
Course Credentials & Value:
By doing these courses, you will be able to
1. Enhance safety of the self and the surroundings
2. Work more confidently, improve job execution quality, which will make you MFP (Most favoured person) in the organisation.
3. Higher pay package, higher position, respect
4. Job satisfaction
5. Get 'Early bird opportunity' of working with upcoming technologies like Renewable LPG, SNG, Fuel cells, Iot, when applied to LPG industry.
6. Preference by your clients in business
...Key Topics Covered
Key topics covered: Module wise ..... More details about topics will be mentioned when scheduled dates are announced.
Module 1: Fundamental properties and their relevance to different industries
a) Physical properties b) Chemical properties c) Thermodynamic properties d) Effect of pressure and temperature e) Phase change
Module 2: Measuring units for important properties and their inter relationship
a) Units used for measuring pressure, temp., Density, flow rate, calorific value b) Converting property values from one to another unit c) Instruments used
Module 3: Storage systems for LPG and relevant rules
a) Storage vessels types b) Associated piping
c) Layout of storage installation d) Other essential equipment
e) Relevant rules in India
Module 4: Safety of storage installation and relevant rules
a) Safety of tanks b) Safety distances c) Fire protection
Course Details
Objective: To understand LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) thoroughly, to ensure safety during storage, transfer, distribution and use; for improved job execution
This course is divided into 8 modules.
Subject description:
LPG is the most popular and widely used fuel, known as clean fuel, for domestic and industrial use. (More than 300 million domestic consumers, thousands of industrial consumers, 30million TPA consumption in India). Extremely large number of job / business opportunities exist in this field, and are ever increasing.
This series of courses, with 8 modules, covers the basics of LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas).
Considering the hazardous nature of LPG, fundamental knowledge of LPG is very essential for everyone working in proximity of LPG or relevant equipment. Let it be in any capacity. Operator, equipment manufacturer, designer, installer, owner/user.
This series of courses is designed to refresh the fundamentals of those persons who already know something, and also for the persons new in LPG related industry. For those, aspiring to work in this field, this series of courses will impart comprehensive knowledge of this subject, making them industry ready.
Topics covered in each module are listed subsequently.
This is Level 1 series, basically introducing various aspects of LPG, its handling, storage, and transportation. Similar level 2 series, going into depth of all the aspects, will be conducted subsequently.
Module wise time table will be announced later. You are requested to Show interest, by clicking the button. Each module will be of 75 to 90 min. duration
It is advisable to do the complete series of course, but you may also do few selected modules to strengthen your current knowledge base. Fees will be charged module wise, and announced with the schedule. Fees shown below, are for joining all modules, if fully paid at one time.