Keesha Lee

Electrical and Electronics Engineer

United Kingdom


1 yrs



MEng Electrical and Electronics Engineering Year 1 Internship - “A Study of the Electrical Footprints of DC Faults in Solar Photovoltaic Array Utilizing a Miniature System Replica”

Supervisor : Dr. Chin Vun Jack (University of Southampton Malaysia, Assistant Professor)

- Part of a team of three students and a supervising lecturer to build a miniature replica of a photovoltaic array system able to demonstrate different types of DC faults.
- Successfully conducted electrical tests for the functionality of the system proposed.
- Created a working manual for IV curve measuring device PROVA, which was utilized throughout the project to produce appropriate IV characteristic curves for each DC fault.
- Successfully presented and produced a professional research poster for the possible faults and diagnosis methods.
- Achieved 'Best Poster Presentation Award' for "A Study of the Electrical Footprints of DC Faults in Solar Photovoltaic Array Utilizing a Miniature System Replica” by Asia Metropolitan University at the 2nd Science, Technology and Social Sciences Symposium 2022 (STSS2022).

MEng Electrical and Electronics Engineering Year 2 Internship - “A Study of an open source software: OpenEMS to visualize electromagnetic waves.”

Supervisor : Ir. Ahmad Syahrin Idris (University of Southampton Malaysia, Assistant Professor)

- Worked with a team of 2 people and a supervior to build a visual simulation of electromagnetic waves on an electronic board.
- Attempted work on KiCAD to build a replica of an electronic board.
- Successfully simulated OpenEMS tutorials based on the open source documentation.
- Attemped similations of electromagnetic waves in Blender.
- Successfully used MATLAB to create all visualisations of electromagnetic waves.

MEng Electrical and Electronics Engineering Year 3 Internship

- Work on identifying the best machine learning models in recent studies such as vision transformer models.
- Part of a team that successfully built an all-sky camera to set up in Chilbolton Laboratory, UK for sky image capturing.
- Successfully built a cloud segmentation processing system utilizing image processing of sky images.
- Successfully assisted in contributing to the advancements of solar irradiance forecasting methods and performance of current models.


Electrical and Electronics Engineer


Industry Domains :

Medical Instruments , Energy & Utilities , Electronics & Instrumentation


Engineering Disciplines :

Electrical , Mechanical , Process


Skills :

CAD Modelling , Artificial Intelligent , Engineering & Design

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