1 Enrollments
This course format is where trainer will explain you the subject via online live session. Date and time are not decided yet but it will be planned within next 2 weeks after you enroll & pay for this course. Get in touch with our team if any clarification is required.
API 650 tanks design concepts.
Storage Tank Accessories
Typical sizes, design pressures, horizontal and vertical Vacuum insulated tanks with inner/outer shell in SS/CS
Evaporation rates etc.
API 620 design Annex Q and R and API 625 tanks
Use of European codes for such tanks
Standard vacuum insulated tanks in the market
Large flat bottom storage tanks details.
Types of above ground storage Tanks
Applicable API codes
Difference: API 620 and API 650 tanks
Tank Shell, Bottom Plate design
API 625 Storage concepts
Cryogenic Storage tanks types
Shop or site built?
Vacuum insulated tanks
Pressure Stretching
Flat Bottom tanks
Materials for tanks
Compression Rings
Shell connections
Reference Codes and Standards
The course describes details of varions types of storage tanks for Cryogenic applications, their accessories and materials applicable as per codes and standards. Two main types are vacuum insulated and flat bottomed tanks for large storage. Transportation tanks are a separate category of storage tanks
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Engineering Disciplines :
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Independent Consultant
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