A Blogger, Content Creator, Course Creator, Teacher, and Pipeline and Piping Engineer with more than 20 years of working experience in various reputed MNCs. I try to share my little knowledge with you all through my blog whatispiping.com. I am sure EPC engineers specifically beginner piping engineers will get a lot of value from my blog. Additionally, I have published various courses in everyeng.com to help entry-level piping and pipeline engineers in their learning quest. Do explore my courses and I am sure you will like those.
Owner of https://whatispiping.com/
Industry Domains :
Oil & Gas , Energy & Utilities , Oil & Gas
Engineering Disciplines :
Skills :
Soft Skills :
By: Anup Kumar Dey
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By: Anup Kumar Dey
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By: Anup Kumar Dey
98 Min
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