Online Course on Comprehensive Pipe Stress Analysis using Caesar II Software- Basics to Advanced
Why Do You Enroll?
This course is the most comprehensive pipe stress analysis course available in the market. By joining this course you will be able to learn all the basic concepts of pipe stress analysis. The participant will be able to learn the use of Caesar II software. All the examples used in Caesar II modeling and analysis are from actual projects, so you will have an actual understanding of the job that you will be performing in live projects.
Finally, by digesting the contents delivered through the modules you will be able to improve your skill to such an extent that you will be easily employable by various reputed organizations. Also, if you are looking for a job change, the job-hunting process will be easier for you.
...Key Topics Covered
Part A: Basics of Pipe Stress Analysis
What is Pipe Stress Analysis?
Stress Critical Line List Preparation with Practical Case Study
Inputs Required for Pipe Stress Analysis
Basics of ASME B31 3 for a Piping Stress Engineer
ASME B31.3 Scopes and Exclusions
Why stress is generated in a piping system
Types of Pipe Stresses
Pipe Thickness Calculation
Reinforcement Requirements
ASME B31.3 Code Equations and Allowables
Introduction to Pipe Supports
Role of Pipe Supports in Piping Design
Types of Pipe Supports
List of Pipe Supports
Pipe Support Span
How to Support a Pipe?
Pipe Support Optimization Rules
Pipe Support Standard
Support Engineering Considerations
What is a Piping Isometric?
What is an Expansion Loop?
Bonus Lecture: Introduction to Pipe Stress
Bonus Lecture: Pressure Stresses in Piping
Part-B: Static Analysis in Caesar II
Introduction to Caesar II
Getting Started in Caesar II
Stress Analysis of Pump Piping System
Creating Load Cases
Wind and Seismic Analysis
Generating Stress Analysis Reports
Editing Stress Analysis Model
Spring Hanger Selection and Design in Caesar II
Types of Spring Hangers
Components of a Spring Hanger
Selection of Variable and Constant Spring hangers
Case Study of Spring Hanger Design and Selection
Certain Salient Points
Flange Leakage Analysis in Caesar II
Types of Flange Leakage Analysis and Background Theory
Case Study-Pressure Equivalent Analysis
Case Study-NC Method
Case Study-ASME Sec VIII method
Stress Analysis of PSV Piping System
PSV Reaction force Calculation
Applying PSV Reaction force
Practical Case Study
Certain best practices
Heat Exchanger Pipe Stress Analysis
Creating Temperature Profile
Modeling the Heat Exchanger
Nozzle Load Qualification
Practical Case Study
Methodology for shell and tube inlet nozzle stress analysis
Vertical Tower Piping Stress Analysis
Creating Temperature Profile
Equipment Modeling
Modeling Cleat Supports
Skirt temperature Calculation
Nozzle Load Qualification
Practical Example
Storage Tank Piping Stress Analysis
Reason for Criticality of storage tank piping
Tank Settlement
Tank Bulging
Practical example of tank piping stress analysis
Nozzle Loading
Pump Piping Stress Analysis
API610 Pump nozzle evaluation using Caesar II
Part C: Dynamic Analysis is Caesar II
Introduction-Dynamic Analysis in Caesar II
Types of Dynamic Analysis
Static vs Dynamic Analysis
Dynamic Modal Analysis
Equivalent Static Slug Flow Analysis
Dynamic Response Spectrum Analysis
Course Details
The main objective of this course is to help you upgrade your knowledge to such an extent that you can feel yourself as an advanced pipe stress engineer. This course will cover all the basic concepts, and theories, in a simple way. The course will be divided into 4 parts.
Part A will cover the basic theories that are required to analyze stress systems using software programs. This section will prepare you to work as a pipe stress engineer.
Part B will cover the static analysis methodologies of the piping system in Caesar II software. This section will explain various modeling techniques, analysis methodologies, nozzle load qualification, and other required details.
Part C will cover the dynamic analysis philosophies and explain some of the dynamic modules of Caesar II.
Part D will explain some other details that are required for becoming an advanced pipe stress engineer.
So, overall, the course will cover the maximum of the pipe stress analysis methodologies in great extent. Please be patient as the course is going to be very long as it will clear most of your doubts. Even it will prepare you for your upcoming interviews by answering some of the questions.
Additionally, All participants will get 2-hours of doubt clearing session directly with the mentor.
...Course Content
1. Part-A: What is Pipe Stress Analysis?
Part-A: What is Pipe Stress Analysis?
2. Part-A: Stress Critical Line List Preparation with Practical Case Study
Part-A: Stress Critical Line List Preparation with Practical Case Study
3. Part-A: Inputs Required for Pipe Stress Analysis
Part-A: Inputs Required for Pipe Stress Analysis